Well, the no-dig vege garden has definitely been a success: at the time of writing this (about 4 weeks after this photo was taken) the garden has gone absolutely crazy! We have been picking State Fair-worthy zucchini, eating sweet sugar-snap peas and delicious bok choy. Now the corn has developing ears and the pumpkins are starting to take over their end of the garden... so I have started work on Garden #2 (photos to come soon). Apart from being able to enjoy fresh, home-grown produce it has been fantastic to be able to grow it on otherwise barren, rocky soil, without having to break the ground. I have not needed to use any kind of insecticide so I have also managed to fulfill my other goal of keeping the garden completely organic. The soaker hose usually only gets turned on for about 15 minutes a day and that has been plenty to keep everything looking as healthy as you see it here. Shredded paper mulch salvaged from the office helps with water retention and the whole thing is doing marvelously.
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