Sunday, January 27, 2008

Amusing Questions We Have Been Asked - Part 4 in an Occasional Series

(There are a lot of hunters in this town and hunting is VERY popular with young and old alike. Almost every household has at least one gun.)

"Is it hard to shoot kangaroos when they keep jumping up and down?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, the whole Kangaroo thing can come back to bite us. I was on a bus load of Americans on the Sunshine Coast - in suburbia - after dark (it's a long story) last year and what should hop across a roundabout in front of us but half a dozen grey kangaroos. No telling those good ole boys that we don't have kangaroos hopping about the streets!!...

We enjoyed your Christmas letter too. But I have been travelling a bit recently and not got around to answering (ie slack). And no matter how cold it feels in Arizona in February, it's worse in the Gobi Desert!


John (Tres, Jack Rose and Arlo)