Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm a Big Kid Now

No issues for either Mum or son on the first day of school last Wednesday. As we pulled into the car park at school: "'Bye Mum". All set to go. Once he got there he didn't look back. Lots of friends and not a care in the world.

Amusing Questions We Have Been Asked: Part 8 in an Occasional Series

[This from an elderly member of our church]

"Are you the kids from Australia?"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goodbye Preschool Days: Our Boy is Starting School

Tomorrow our young man will start kindergarten. Where did those years go? It will be hard to get used to him not being at daycare all day (although he'll still be there part of the time). He is sooooo excited about school ("Are you, Mum?").

Pint-size Perspective: Comments on Life from the Youngest Gelfi

[Mum] "When you go to school, you'll have to do what you're told, when you're told to do it".

[N] "We already do that at daycare".

[Mum] "It doesn't look like it to me. When I go there you're all doing whatever you want".

[N] "That's the naughty kids, that's not me".